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Sheriff's Desk

The Mission of the Russell County Sheriff's Office is to serve our community by providing superior public safety and service in an ethical and fiscally responsible manner, while preserving the rights of all individuals. The very nature of this statement insists that we strive for excellence in serving our community in a very difficult and often times demanding profession.

The world we live in today is a different world from the world our parents lived in. We can't be everywhere all the time. We count on the public to help be our eyes and ears and not be embarrassed or afraid to report suspicious activity. If you feel something looks out of place or wrong, it probably is. Please call 911 to report suspicious activity. If you have tips that will help us solve a case or you would like a investigator to look into possible criminal activity in your neighborhood; and you wish to remain anonymous, then please use our Submit A Tip form on this website. You can submit any unlawful activity information as often as you need, and completely anonymously.

Your concern, vigilance and willingness to become involved are critical to our success in combating criminal activity. The members of the Russell County Sheriff's Office stand ready to assist you in our mutual efforts to continue to make Russell County a safe and enjoyable place to live.